What is acupuncture? Acupuncture originated in
China over 3000 years ago. Today it is
used for preventative care, health maintenance,
and treatment of disease. There are
several hundred acupuncture points on the human
body, which are connected by pathways called
meridians. These meridians conduct
Bioelectrical energy or Qi (pronounced
"chee") between the surface of the body and its
internal organs.
Acupuncturists insert
very thin, fine needles into the skin at
different points to access and redirect the
and prompt the body to self healing.
Acupuncture has been shown to affect the release
of neurotransmitterers and endorphins, improve
circulation, decrease inflammation, and
stimulate the immune system.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are very fine - about the
thickness of cat whiskers. Because the
diameter of the needle is so thin, there is
usually little or no discomfort associated with
the treatment.
Is acupuncture safe?
For the safety of our patients, only sterilized,
single use, disposable needles are used in our
What can acupuncture treat? The World Health Organization
officially recognizes acupuncture as suitable
for many common clinical disorders. Some
of the conditions that are commonly treated with
acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
Musculoskeletal Disorders - Low
back pain, neck and shoulder pain, joint
pain, injuries, numbness and tingling, TMJ,
muscular aches and pains and chronic
Emotional and nervous disorders -
Depression, anxiety, grief, nervous tension,
insomnia, low energy, and post traumatic
stress disorder.
Disorders of the nervous system -
Bell's Palsy, post-stroke conditions,
chronic headaches, and addictions.